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Wedding galleries come with hundreds of photos showing the big public moments as well as the quiet intimate ones. Out of respect for my couple's privacy I keep full galleries private for their own personal use. To get a better idea of what a full wedding day looks like, rather than mostly seeing just the couple portraits, I've selected highlights from every part of a special day.


Their Story

Nestled at the bottom of a mountain, the ceremony took place at Alexandra's parent's lush apple orchard. Surrounded by a select group of family and friends, Alex and Dan exchanged vows in the garden while wiping away tears of joy.

Afterward we enjoyed some fun and laughs during family and wedding party portraits. Getting the wedding party to "drunk" walk as a team toward the camera was a riot! I stole the bride and groom and we strolled around the orchard, stopping in various spots to document the love and closeness these two had to give each other.

The guests and wedding party sat down to wine, champagne and a glorious meal of smoked meat, cheese and veggies that was smoked and prepared right there on the orchard by a local company, Meat The Neighbours !

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